ARI Design Ltd - Superior Architectural Design


Here at ARI Design UK we deal with several types of planning applications on your behalf which may include the following

1. Domestic extensions and applications noted as house holder planning applications

2. Change of Use

3. Listed buildings consent

4. Conservation applications

5. Outline & Full planning applications

6. Industrial and Commercial planning appllications

7. Advertisement Consent relates to the erection or display of advertisements,  which may need planning permission from the Council.

8. Application to carry out works to a tree protected by a tree  preservation order (TPO) or in a Conservation Area
You will need to apply for this permission to carry out work to any tree that is protected by a TPO or any tree that is in a Conservation Area.

9.Planning application for approval of reserved matters
In this type of application, an applicant is seeking approval for the detailed scheme known as 'reserved matters', for which the outline scheme has already been approved. The reserved matters application must be made within three years of the outline permission.

If there is any other type of planning application that you would like us to look at then please contact us on or at at our head office on 01455 886 683

Thank you for visiting our website and we hope to see you again soon.